Monday, January 26, 2015

16 weeks

Today I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I don't know why, but that number just seems like such a milestone to me! Seems so much further along than 12 weeks, and so close to 20 (although, of course I realize that it's exactly in the middle). :)

Last night my sister called me for a birthday talk and during our conversation she told me she wanted to see my belly, so today I asked Jonathan to take a picture for her and all of you to see.

When I looked at the photo, I was actually pretty surprised. Looking down from above, I think my stomach looks huge, but in these photo it's actually not really even all that noticeable. In any case, there have definitely been changes to my body so far, even if they're not yet very visible in pictures. Jonathan has been taking photos of me each week since the day we found out I was pregnant, and already it's so interesting to look back on the first couple weeks and compare them with our latest pictures. It will be fun to see the whole pregnancy-worth of photos by July!